Booking Deadline All bookings will close on May 1, 2025. Please ensure your reservations are made before this date. Thank you. * Please fill all fields correctly Vendor RegistrationFirst NameLast NamePhone NumberEmailCompany/Business nameBusiness type- Select -Food/ediblesBeauty/cosmeticsFashion/Fabrics/TextilesHair/Hair accessories/NailsOthersBusiness descriptionDo you have Food safety and hygiene certificate Yes NoCertificate uploadChoose File Error: Food Safety and Hygiene Certificate Required. It is mandatory to have a valid Food Safety and Hygiene certificate to proceed. Please obtain the certificate and update this information to continue with your application. Would you provide allergens Yes NoEarly Registration FeeEarly booking price £350.00 ⚠️ Early registration is £350 until February 28. After that, the price increases to £400. Early Registration FeeEarly booking price: £200.00⚠️ Early registration is £200 until February 28. After that, the price increases to £250.No payment items has been selected yet I agree to pay the payment sum of and I understand that there would be no refund! I consent to have this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiryPay to submit